Just a note on the lack of blogging here: Circumstances compel me to do a lot of paid work at the moment and with campaigning and general political meetings etc. I just aint getting the time together to formulate decent pieces. Hopefully this won't have to last too long, suffice to say that there will be plenty to say as the descent into madness accelerates.
Friday, 19 February 2010
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Brown suddenly discovers electoral reform: Nothing suspicious there!
After 13 years it's funny how Labour have suddenly discovered the uses of another system when they are faced with the likely boot.
Of course they could have ended Conservative rule in this way if they hadnt been so lustful for power or such conservatives themselves.
Without consultation or public discussion on alternatives Brown has cynically brought this idea to the fore with his usual outdated top-down approach. He and his wonks have probably calculated (quite rightly I daresay) that the AV system suits them best and gives them the highest chance of getting back into power to represent banks and corporations 4 or 5 years from now.
Of course, he will present it as a remedy for all the disquiet around the expenses scandal, not only does it not fit that bill but it's likely people will see through it and their opinion of "Clunk" will drop even further.
Posted by Steve Durrant at 13:19 0 comments